
ASAM Level I and II

ASAM Level I Classes

ASAM Level I and II

ASAM Level I and II classes are designed according to the ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine) criteria for addiction Counseling. Specifically, ASAM Level 1 classes provide individuals with a supportive and instructive environment where they are encouraged to develop deeper insights into the causes and conditions, as well as the effects, of their addictive and abusive behaviors. It is well understood in the medical and scientific communities that substance abuse is associated with more fundamental or rudimentary cognitive deficits. Some of these deeper issues may be deficits in emotional regulation, diagnosable affective disorders, or a consequence of a myriad of other socio-cultural, environmental and/or genetic factors.

What are the ASAM Level I and II  Counseling Criteria?

Regardless of their specificity, instructors of the ASAM Level I classes are trained to assist clients in beginning to illuminate these underlying psychological issues in order to alleviate the drive to pursue addictive avenues to cope with life stressors. Often, additional resources such as one-on-one counseling or pharmacological therapy from licensed and certified clinicians may be necessary to support the Counseling process. To read more about the ASAM criteria, please click this link https://www.asam.org/asam-criteria/about-the-asam-criteria

Clients are highly recommended to fully participate in this collaborative recovery process in order to gain the greatest benefits. To register for an ASAM Level 1 Substance Abuse Counseling class, call 404-793-6838.

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