DUI Clinical Evaluation in Atlanta-Georgia

DUI clinical evaluation in Atlanta

Courts require a DUI clinical evaluation for first and multiple DUI offenders in Atlanta. The DUI clinical evaluation in Atlanta range from $95-$150. This will determine eligibility for The DUI Program in Fulton County State Court and the possible need for ASAM Level I classes.

How can you secure an appointment for a DUI evaluation?

DUI clinical evaluations in Atlanta are convenient with our online appointments for all individuals 7 days a week. DUI clinical evaluations in Atlanta. Our mission is to serve individuals who are in need of DUI clinical evaluation in the Atlanta area. For more information on Fulton County DUI Program please click on the link below.

Don’t go to court without a DUI clinical Evaluation

Given that DUI Evaluations, along with the Counseling recommendations provided, are often used to minimize and alleviate court sentences, individuals are highly encouraged to undergo evaluations as soon as possible, which demonstrates to the court and prosecution your willingness to take responsibility for your actions and follow-thru with the suggested Counseling plan. If you or someone you know is in need of a DUI Evaluation in Atlanta, please contact us for a comprehensive, personalized assessment or make a referral.

DUI clinical evaluations in Fulton County


Alcohol and Drug Evaluations in GA

Alcohol and Drug Evaluation marietta is conducted with the purpose of identifying and analyzing if an individual under evaluation is suffering from alcohol or any sort of substance abuse issue. It is followed by analyzing the level of counseling and intervention needed if an individual is found to be going through some issue or addiction.

Alcohol and Drug assessment is conducted for the non-DUI individuals i.e. the ones going through medical issues, or when ordered by the court for reasons given by different authorities like judges or law enforcement agencies to assess the extent of a person’s level of addiction to such substances.

Our team of professionals is highly skilled in behavioral and cognitive skills who will help you reach the honest results of whether you actually need some further counseling or treatments for alcohol addiction or any sort of drug treatment.

The overall evaluation is carried through the stages of screening (to find if the person is actually going through the problem), then the assessment, to find out the nature of the problem the alcoholic or drug abuser is going through, thus, followed by the remedy needed in the form of rehabilitation or counseling.

Alcohol and Drug Evaluation Decatur helps in understanding the current status as well as the history of the patient under evaluation to reach the conclusion of whether his problem is only substance abuse or physiological/psychiatric as well. The assessment is a deep-rooted process conducted by our professionals who are experience in their field for over 25 years.

This evaluation helps us to develop a remedial program for the treatment of the person with a specific drug or alcohol addiction.
Since we are certified by the court as well as the state, we also conduct evaluations for DUI.

Outpatient Rehabilitation Treatments

Synopsis: what is an outpatient rehabilitation treatment program and who is it best suited to accommodate


Outpatient rehab facilities can be very beneficial for individuals with mild substance abuse problems seeking sobriety. An outpatient rehabilitation program offers drug and alcohol treatment sessions that can be maintained in accordance with a patient’s schedule while meeting the requirements for a successful outcome. A patient has more flexibility to attend meetings and appointments at various times throughout the week.

This schedule allows patients to continue with their personal responsibilities and to continue living on their own but they are required to check into the outpatient rehab treatment at their designated times for counseling. Outpatient programs come in a variety of formats, differing levels of intensity and offer an array of services. The general focus is on education and providing a support network.

For an expedited assessment and appointment call 800-683-7745

Addiction Counseling in GA

Synopsis: a broad definition of addiction counseling

Millions of Americans suffer from a dependence on drugs, alcohol, and destructive behaviors such as shoplifting or gambling. Addiction counseling is a highly specialized form of treatment that evaluates and appropriately cares for an individual to ultimately achieve a life-long recovery. Cognitive behavioral therapy, family counseling and other types of therapy can help to attain rehabilitation. Psychotherapy can also treat other mental health conditions that often play a role in addiction.

The problematic and addictive elements are initially assessed and once an evaluation is determined, a specialized treatment plan can be developed. Addiction counseling then is intended to assist in overcoming any dependencies and behaviors, facilitating the individual’s growth and values, in order to achieve a healthier life.

Substance Abuse Treatment GA

Synopsis: Substance abuse treatment greatly improves the chances of breaking criminal offense cycles. The judicial system uses consequential punishments to deter repeated drug offenses while substance abuse treatment aims to rehabilitate.

A common and cyclical movement of those with substance abuse disorders and the paths of substance abuse treatment versus incarceration is demonstrated in our legal system by which the practice of requiring people with addictions to remain drug-free as a condition of probation for drug-related offenses and of criminalizing relapse. Being that addiction is considered a brain disease and relapsing is a symptom of it, it can be contemplated how the laws are encouraging, rather than narrowing, success rates. If the policies in place are not setting an offender up for optimal recovery then perhaps that can best be achieved by a comprehensive substance abuse treatment program. Treatments can involve medication, psychotherapy and long-term follow up.

The sustainability of such treatment programs far surpasses the costs and tribulations of criminalization, yet imprisonment for nonviolent drug offenses and the respective statistics are still staggering. While consequences in any legal system are necessary, they should be with the primary intention of individual rehabilitation. The criminal justice system utilizes punishments to deter repeated drug offenses while substance abuse treatments aim to wholly rehabilitate.

Intensive Outpatient Rehab Treatment

Synopsis: What is an outpatient intensive treatment

Intensive outpatient programs give individuals the ability to further their dedication to sobriety by maintaining the accountability that’s recommended for long-term recovery. This treatment option allows individuals to continue the progress and growth they’ve obtained from counseling, medication, and general professional support in a less restrictive setting. Initiating treatment with an intensive outpatient program will offer support mechanisms and educational tools to further build a foundation for lifelong sobriety.

An initial clinical assessment will determine one’s suitability for the intensive treatment program and is typically recommended for those who do not need a medically-supervised detox. In an intensive outpatient program, the patient continues their everyday life with clinical, emotional, and peer support systems.

DUI Clinical Evaluation(s)

DUI (Driving Under Influence) clinical evaluation also known as Alcohol/ Drug Clinical Evaluation begins with a scheduled one-on-one session between the person charged with DUI and the state approved SAP(Substance Abuse Professional). When an individual is charged with DUI, careless/reckless driving by the state, judge, attorney, or probation office, he/she has to get their clinical evaluation done for DUI before or after court proceedings. DUI evaluations is state-regulated. However, it is suggested to get the clinical evaluation done prior to your appearance in the court to show your good faith and accountability.
Evaluation is a one-hour session which has to be booked by the violater priorly with the clinical evaluator. Our professional will verify your exposure to substance abuse for different drugs while ensuring the confidentiality of the session. After the completion of the session our authorized clinician determines whether you need any sort of education, counseling, program or treatment. The final recommendation is explained to you before being handed over to you in writing. If he suggests some treatment program then, any violation in terms of attendance and other procedure during the course of the program will lead to a further violation on your part.
Our clinical evaluators are highly experienced and well knowledgeable to help you sort out your difficulties and set you on the right track. You can fix your appointment to let them guide you towards the right course of action. The majority of the offenders are afraid of the fact that they will be directed towards the treatment program however, it is not so. Each individual is analysed by our professional considering their history, evaluation of their link with drug and alcohol abuse with proper use of available professional assessment tools and then only, we arrive on giving the accurate and fair recommendations for each case.

$89 Alcohol and Drug Evaluation Decatur

Alcohol and Drug Evaluation Marietta is conducted with the purpose of identifying and analyzing if an individual under evaluation is suffering from alcohol or any sort of substance abuse issue. It is followed by analyzing the level of counseling and intervention needed if an individual is found to be going through some issue or addiction.

Alcohol and Drug assessment is conducted for the non-DUI individuals i.e. the ones going through medical issues, or when ordered by the court for reasons given by different authorities like judges or law enforcement agencies to assess the extent of a person’s level of addiction to such substances.

Our team of professionals is highly skilled in behavioral and cognitive skills who will help you reach the honest results of whether you actually need some further counseling or treatments for alcohol addiction or any sort of drug treatment.

The overall Alcohol and Drug evaluation Decatur is carried through the stages of screening (to find if the person is actually going through the problem), then the assessment, to find out the nature of the problem the alcoholic or drug abuser is going through, thus, followed by the remedy needed in the form of rehabilitation or counseling. This helps in understanding the current status as well as the history of the patient under evaluation to reach the conclusion of whether his problem is only substance abuse or physiological/psychiatric as well.

The assessment is a deep-rooted process conducted by our professionals who are experience in their field for over 25 years.

This evaluation helps us to develop a remedial program for the treatment of the person with a specific drug or alcohol addiction. Since we are certified by the court as well as the state, we also conduct evaluations for DUI.

Family Violence Intervention Program(s) in GA

The Family Violence Intervention Program (FVIP) is the certified program that is focused on the safety of the family violence victims and improvement/ rehabilitation of violent offenders, simultaneously. It aims at maintaining the cordial relationship between the couples and removing any kind of violence be it, physical, mental, emotional, sexual, or behavioral that pertains between them or is inflicted, on any other family member, be it, physical, mental, emotional, sexual, or behavioral.
Domestic violence is common to every second household. The U.S has been witnessing a sharp rise in the number of murders of women committed during the argument between the couples and also, increase in the mental abuse of teenagers resulting from family violence. It destroys the home and affects the very foundation of the family and the home. We believe that no one deserves to be abused or threatened whether mentally or physically. Thus, our FVIP solely aims at providing the professional help needed to any extent to prevent the destruction of households and thereby reduce the abuse of victims. We help the abuser understand the reason behind his behavioral issues and the violence inflicted by him/her which may be due to drug abuse, alcoholism, jealousy, or low self-esteem.
The program may be suggested by the court orders as against the defendant as when a protective order is issued against family violence wherein the defendant is asked to participate in an FVIP. The program focuses on increasing the accountability of the offender and helps in the protection and safety of the victim irrespective of their color, caste, age, gender, or socio-economic background.
Most of our clients are court-ordered as the condition of probation however, others are referred by the Office of Community Services or self-referred individuals who recognize that they are undergoing domestic violence issues in their relationships and, they wish to learn the power and control issues to improve their relationships.

Family Violence Intervention Program(s) GA

Family violence can be psychological abuse or battery between any members of a household.  It occurs when one person uses force to inflict injury, either emotional or physical, upon another person they have, or had, a relationship with. The involved individuals are related by blood, marriage or intimate partners.  A family violence intervention program aims to end a debilitating cycle of violence in families by empowering individuals to maintain independence in a violence-free lifestyle. As a response to domestic violence and in providing an alternative to violence in a familial setting, a family violence intervention program is led by trained professionals who teach identification of abusive behaviors and appropriate responses to those triggers. The court may determine that a defendant convicted of a violent domestic crime undergo such a program for rehabilitation. A program in which abusers are held accountable for their acts of domestic violence may be the first or final step to leading a healthy and happy lifestyle.