
Find Alcohol and Drug Evaluation Near Me-Marietta

Find Alcohol and Drug Evaluation Near Me-Marietta

Alcohol and Drug Evaluation

Alcohol and Drug Evaluation georgia is usually a court ordered procedure that has to be done in a compulsory manner. For the sake of Non-DUI clients, the procedure is also known as Substance Abuse Evaluation sometimes. The nature of this evaluation is to assess the actual situation of the person. These are usually mandated by probation officers or criminal defense attorneys who are assessing alcohol or drug-related charges. The substances that come into play for such evaluation can be cocaine, methamphetamines, marijuana, heroin, alcohol, and many more. Regardless of the substance, our tests are the most reliable for anyone and in all cases.

There are some of the most common cases which require the alcohol and drug evaluation near me. They include charges pertaining to prostitution, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, reckless driving, and possession of controlled substances. In addition to the assessment relating to various substance abuses, these evaluations also focus on various other aspects. They include one’s mental health, their family history, their education, legal history, etc. All of these things are combined at the time of the procedure to ensure that the results are reliable and provide clarity on a person’s situation. There are various tests and documentations and paperwork that needs to be handled by the team.

American Alternative Court Services Atlanta ensures a comprehensive and personalized alcohol and drug evaluation. We ensure full anonymity of the patients by securing their details. In case you are not aware of the importance of the procedure, you must make a note of the fact that these can only be beneficial. When one undergoes such evaluations, they are liable for having their sentence cut short at the time or be alleviated. These also showcase one’s ability as well as willingness to take responsibility upon themselves for their subsequent actions.

For more details on services, and therapeutic activities, visit our website at www.alcoholanddrugevaluations.com. Here, you can find our website or you can call us at 1-800-683-7745 to get in touch with us right away.

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