
DUI Evaluations – Driving under the influence

DUI Evaluations – Driving under the influence

DUI Evaluation

Driving under the influence is not only detrimental to your life but it also comes with a boatload of consequences if a DUI charge becomes attached to it. The potential to lose everything from work to the ability to drive and operate a motor vehicle becomes daunting because of how long a DUI can stay on your record.

Although DUI’s are not taken lightly in the eyes of the court systems, there are proactive steps and measures set in place to help drivers who get behind the wheel while they are inebriated.

Unlike other medical consultations, DUI evaluations allow violators the opportunity to talk about their current and past habits as well as personal relationships and work history with the end goal of figuring out how drinking/drug use has affected these parts of their life.

Being honest during an evaluation doesn’t create more trouble for a violator, instead, it creates a way for that person to get proper treatment for the issues that led to a DUI charge.

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