
Information Collected during the DUI Evaluation

Information Collected during the DUI Evaluation

DUI Evaluation

If you have been arrested and required to complete a DUI evaluation, generally, you will be required to attend specific classes, lectures, and meetings related to alcohol and substance abuse. Depending on your state’s legal requirements, you may have to meet with a professional to assess your current condition and the possible risk factors that have led to your DUI.

Upon finding you guilty of driving under the influence, a sentencing court will order you to perform an evaluation with an individual certified to evaluate drug and alcohol abuse. The certified evaluator will assess your personal history, including any substance abuse or mental health problems, to determine the severity and type of treatment you need. Generally, the court will recommend a community-based assessment as part of the pre-sentencing process.

The DUI evaluation process is conducted in two steps: The first is the face-to-face interview in which the evaluator seeks to get a full understanding of your driving history, lifestyle, and alcohol/drug abuse. Questions asked during the interview may focus on familial factors, recreational activities, living arrangements, employment status, substance abuse, past involvement with treatment programs, and motivation for change. The evaluator may also administer standardized tests to ascertain the extent of any substance abuse.

The second step is the physical exam. During this process, the evaluator assesses the physical effects of your substance abuse. During this process, samples of your blood, urine, saliva, or hair may be taken to measure certain metabolic markers. Additionally, any medical or laboratory data will be collected to determine the extent of impairment caused by your actions.

Based on the information collected during the DUI evaluation, a treatment plan will be recommended. This plan will be made with careful consideration to your specific needs and may include abstaining from alcohol or drugs, participating in substance abuse counseling, taking part in community service projects, following up with outpatient treatment, attending self-help meetings, or in extreme cases, attending inpatient treatment at a residential setting.

DUI Evaluation

Following completion of the DUI evaluation process, the results are given to the court and the sentencing judge will determine the appropriate penalty. If you fail to adhere to the treatment plan, further legal action may be taken such as a jail sentence.

At the conclusion of the assessment, you may be recommended to an appropriate treatment program, such as 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA), individual or group therapy, intensive outpatient treatment (IOP), and/or residential treatment (inpatient). You might also be required to attend a DUI or DWI class or program or be placed on Probation, among other possibilities.

No matter what treatment program you are recommended, the key is to follow through with the treatment. Attending all recommended classes, lectures, meetings, therapy sessions, and aftercare events is essential as this could reduce any associated penalties or give a court a more sympathetic opinion of you when deciding a punishment.

Failing to attend and complete all required treatment may result in a more severe sentence or a probation violation charge. It is important to keep in mind that you are ultimately responsible for the results of your evaluation and the course your treatment takes thereafter.

Considering a DUI Evaluation at this time? Then www.aacscounseling.com is an invaluable resource for your needs. 1-800-683-7745 will get you in touch with someone to set up your DUI Evaluation as soon as possible!

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