
10 Essential Tips for a Smooth DISA Return to Duty Experience

10 Essential Tips for a Smooth DISA Return to Duty Experience

DISA Return to Duty

DISA Returning to work after failed drug or alcohol testing is never easy. Substance abuse can damage your reputation and make it difficult to return to a job. However, one of the most valuable things you can do is to approach your return to work seriously.

Our professionals at DISA have some tips for a smooth and successful return to duty experience. The following guide includes everything you need to know about DISA return to duty requirements.

1. Complete Your Return to Duty Evaluation:

The most crucial part of returning to duty after an alcohol or drug violation is to complete the DISA return to duty evaluation. At DISA, our professionals conduct a thorough evaluation to determine your substance abuse and offer assistance to ensure a successful return to duty.

2. Understand How Long You Should Wait to Get Tested:

Following a failed drug or alcohol test, make sure to wait for the allotted time to pass before applying for a new job. For example, you may not be able to reapply for a job before a standard period of six months has passed.

3. Use Resources to Help Fight Addiction:

Substance abuse is a widespread issue, and companies like DISA have resources to help fight addiction. Such resources may include counseling, therapy, or peer support.

4. Communicate with Your Employer:

When returning to work after a substance abuse violation, communication is essential. To establish a level of trust with your employer, make sure to explain your situation honestly. Professionalism is key; your employer will appreciate honesty and meaningful communication.

5. Plan Ahead:

Before you head back to work, take time to plan your schedule ahead. Make sure that you have the necessary support systems in place for a successful transition back to work.

6. Attend Substance Abuse Treatment Sessions:

During substance abuse treatment, you can access tips and strategies to help you maintain the sobriety you need to return to work. This treatment can also help you get through stressful situations during the workday.

7. Use Your Community Support:

Remember that you are not alone. Surrounding yourself with a caring support group is vital for achieving a positive, successful return to work.

8. Expect the Unexpected:

Returning to work after a failed drug or alcohol testing may present unexpected challenges. These challenges can either be positive- like support from co-workers- or negative- like a lack of trust from your employer. Expect the unexpected and plan accordingly.

9. Take Things One Day at a Time:

Returning to work can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. One tip is to take things one day at a time. Make small goals for yourself so that you can accomplish them gradually

10. Stay Committed:

Finally, the most important aspect of a successful return to duty is commitment. You cannot expect to achieve a successful return to work after substance abuse without commitment. Remain loyal to your sobriety and keep your goals in sight.


The most significant part of a successful return to duty experience is following DISA return to duty requirements. By using the tips mentioned above, you can make the most of your return to work. This journey won’t be an easy one, but remember that support is crucial for achieving a smooth and successful return to work.

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