
Alcohol & Drug Evaluation: Things to consider before choosing the service

Alcohol & Drug Evaluation: Things to consider before choosing the service

Alcohol and Drug Evaluation

It is important to choose a reliable service for alcohol and drug evaluation georgia for court. This assessment is required by the court to solve various cases. There are certain points that the person must consider before availing of the service:

Credentials of the professional

You must check the experience and qualification of the evaluator. Experienced professionals know the right way to treat the person. They don’t unnecessarily over-diagnose or over-treat the person. Check whether the evaluator has a license and there is no disciplinary action against the substance abuse professional.

Unique report

Make sure that the evaluator provides a unique and properly filled report including the severity of the addiction and the treatment plan. SAP who only fills out a preformatted evaluation form is considered quite unprofessional by the court.

Check report before the court

Ask whether it is possible to review the report before forwarding it to the court. It is an important document that determines the future, so it should be reviewed to avoid any errors.

Need for drug test

The drug test is done through a urine screen. It is an important part of alcohol and drug evaluation marietta. In some cases, this report is not essential but in some cases comments of the evaluator are essential.

Cost of assessment

You have to pay almost $200 for a basic alcohol test that can be considered appropriate for the court. Make sure that you don’t compromise on the quality of the report. The court can reject the evaluation if complete credentials and relevant information are missing in the report.

Reviews about service

Research the reviews received by the evaluator regarding the service offered. Always take your report from an authorized professional to avoid any issue in court.

Now that you have gone through all the points, making the right decision may not be very difficult for you. American Alternative Court Service is the perfect place where you can get the alcohol and drug evaluation georgia done with the help of experienced counselors.

For extensive information please check out www.aacsatlanta.com or please call us at 1-800-683-7745.

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