What Follows a SAP Evaluation?

First, drivers who are subject to FMCSA regulations and have violations will need to select an SAP  Evaluation from the Clearinghouse. A positive DOT test for drugs or alcoholic beverages or a refusal to submit to a drug and alcohol test constitutes a violation. When a driver violates the law, they are relieved of their DOT FMCSA safety-sensitive work responsibilities and handed a list of SAPs. If the driver wishes to revert to a DOT FMCSA safety-sensitive employment, they must speak with an SAP and follow the return to work procedure.

The purpose of the SAP process for a driver is to analyze the driver as well as provide suggestions for follow-up testing, therapy, training, and counseling. Before permitting the employee to return to work in a DOT FMCSA safety-sensitive work duty, an initial assessment and final evaluation are necessary, both of which must be performed live and in person.

The SAP will utilize the Clearinghouse as a user. To access the Clearinghouse, SAPs need to join up and establish an account. In the fall of 2019, enrollment is expected to become accessible. The Clearinghouse will be utilized by SAPs to report specific details regarding a CDL driver’s return-to-duty (RTD) activities. SAP will provide detailed information on the drivers’ qualifications for the initial SAP evaluation for return to work and the subsequent tests. The date the first assessment was completed and the day the SAP determined the driver qualified for the return-to-duty test must both be included in the financial reporting. The SAP reporting to the Clearinghouse needs to contain:

  • Name, birthdate, commercial driving license (CDL) numbers, and state of origin of the driver;
  • First assessment date; and
  • The SAP judged the driver had successfully cooperated with the conditions of the therapy and educational services and was able to take the return-to-duty (RTD) testing.

What Follows a SAP Evaluation?

It can be challenging for both the employee and their company if they fail or choose not to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test that is required by the DOT. The employer is underpaid and has banned the employee from work that is security. Employees need to follow a procedure that is followed by the Department of Transportation after having failed a test before they can resume work that involves safety risks. Federal law demands compliance for all DOT-regulated employers. An SAP evaluation Near me is the first step in the return-to-duty process. An employee is put on the path to returning to their job with this important first step. This approach can be sped up with the help of SAP Reference Services.

Process for SAP Evaluation

A SAP evaluation is rather simple. A plan that may involve education and/or therapy is first created by the SAP. They then deliver a report describing their recommendations to your business and keep track of your progress as you carry out the strategy. The SAP will then decide whether or not you can be approved to take a return-to-duty test when you attend in person for a follow-up SAP assessment at the conclusion of your therapy.

Advantages of SAP Referral Services

A SAP must maintain their licensing and participate in continuous learning to be DOT qualified. As a result, some SAPs that you stumble upon or that a coworker might have recommended it may no longer conform with DOT requirements. Therefore, it is important to have updated lists of SAPs so that patients can receive healthcare swiftly and get back to their jobs. We keep a current list of DOT-qualified SAPs in more than 3,000 locations across the country at SAP Referral Services. A SAP examination and surrender process with one of our specialists expedites the return to work of DOT-mandated safety-sensitive workers.

How long will it take to complete the SAP Process?

The DOT Return-to-Duty SAP process can take a while to finish. Based on medical examinations of your requirements, the SAP will recommend either education or therapy. Note: Following DOT CFR 49 Part 40 Subpart O, the SAP is required to propose a specific level of care.

If you want more information on the SAP Clearinghouse and SAP Evaluation, or For extensive information please check out www.aacsatlanta.com or please call us at 1-800-683-7745.

Tips For Knowing IOP Is The Right Choice

Around 23 million people are diagnosed with the need for addiction rehabilitation. However, the majority of them have responsibilities to complete in their daily life. So, the option of Intensive Outpatient Program georgia makes it possible for you.
Don’t think twice if you know you are stuck with the addiction to the substance. It is evident that the addiction can be recovered by a proper method of rehabilitation. Check here to know the benefits of getting rehab treatment.
1. Getting rid of the addiction as soon as possible can also improve your health. Excess drug or alcohol use leads to the declination of your health.
2. While being sober, you can also spend more quality time with your loved ones, and this will make the bond stronger.
3. When you start recovering from your addiction, you will realize how much of your money was invested in such substances. And, getting rid of them is saving a huge amount.
4. Sobriety reflects on your health and appearance. In intoxication, you might look shabby and won’t care about it. But, when you are sober, you will take care of your appearance and feel confident about it.

While going for rehabs, people always tend to confuse if the treatment is the right choice for them or not. So, here are some tips to let you, Intensive Outpatient Program georgia is the best choice for you. While going for the treatment, you must ensure that you are meeting these criteria –

IOPs are usually a step next to the treatment in outpatient programs, these help in keeping the environment calm. So, make sure you don’t have excess tension or any factors that can trigger you to reuse the substances.
• Your family members or anyone close to you is sober. Most importantly, they can support you and understand you.
• You are now ready to recover by putting in your dedication without any excuses. You are determined to achieve sobriety. The journey can be tough without any determination.
• You won’t be able to stay long in a rehab because of the responsibilities of your home, children or office. Rather staying away from home is causing you stress.

For extensive information please check out www.aacsatlanta.com or please call us at 1-800-683-7745.


SAP Counselor: The Trusted Substance Abuse Professional

Seeking out the help of a substance abuse professional (SAP Evaluation) can be extremely difficult and daunting. First, there is acknowledging that you have a problem. Second is finding someone you can trust to help you with this very sensitive issue. And lastly, deciding to undergo treatment can be paralyzing. But it’s crucial to keep in mind that you’re not alone. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, over 20 million people in the United States suffer from a substance use disorder.

An SAP is qualified to help those suffering from substance abuse disorders. They are usually licensed counselors or therapists who have specialized training in addiction. SAPs can support you throughout your recovery, assist with detoxification and withdrawal, and locate available treatments.

SAPs are an important part of the recovery process. They can help you understand your addiction, work through your issues, and make a plan for sobriety. If you are struggling with addiction, seek out the help of an SAP evaluation near me today. It can be the starting point of your rehabilitation.

What Does an SAP Counselor Do? 

The main duty of an SAP counselor is to help individuals suffering from substance abuse disorders find appropriate treatment and support services. An SAP counselor will also guide employers and employees on issues related to drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace.

SAP counselors usually have licensed professionals, such as counselors or therapists, with specialized training in addiction. They must be able to assess an individual’s addiction level and any co-occurring mental health disorders. SAP counselors must also be familiar with the different types of treatment available and be able to make recommendations based on the individual’s needs.

SAP counselors work in outpatient settings, such as counseling centers or private practices. However, they may also work in hospitals, residential treatment facilities, or employee assistance programs.

Does SAP Counselor help with SAP Assessment?

An SAP counselor can help you with your SAP assessment marietta, which is required if you have been convicted of a DUI/DWI. The SAP assessment is a process that determines if you have a substance abuse problem and if you need treatment.

An SAP counselor will conduct a clinical interview to assess your alcohol and drug use and your mental and physical health. They will also review your personal and family history, as well as your criminal history. After the clinical interview, the SAP counselor will administer a written test called the Addiction Severity Index (ASI). The ASI will help identify your addiction’s severity and any associated problems.

Based on the clinical interview and the ASI results, the SAP counselor will make a recommendation for treatment. If you are required to undergo treatment, the SAP counselor will help you find a program that meets your needs.

What Are the Benefits of Seeing an SAP Counselor?

If you are an employer, you may wonder about the benefits of having an SAP counselor on staff. Here are just a few advantages:

  • An SAP counselor can help you create and implement policies that discourage substance abuse in the workplace.
  • An SAP counselor can educate employees about the dangers of substance abuse and how to get help if they or someone they know is struggling with addiction.
  • An SAP counselor can conduct confidential assessments of employees struggling with substance abuse to determine if they need a referral for treatment.
  • An SAP counselor can provide resources and support to employees struggling with addiction and their families.
  • An SAP counselor can help you create a drug-free workplace and culture.

Why Should I Seek Out an SAP Counselor? 

SAP counselors are uniquely qualified to help those struggling with substance abuse disorders for several reasons:

  1. They have extensive knowledge about addiction and recovery.
  2. They are familiar with different treatment options and can help you find the right one for your unique situation.
  3. They can provide invaluable support during what is often a very difficult time.


If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, we urge you to seek help from an SAP counselor. These professionals can provide much-needed guidance and support during a very difficult time. At SAP Evaluation Georgia, we have a team of experienced and certified SAP counselors ready to help you on your journey to recovery. To arrange an appointment or to find out more about our services, get in touch with us right away.

For extensive information please check out www.aacsatlanta.com or please call us at 1-800-683-7745.

All You Need to Know about the SAP Clearinghouse

The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP evaluation) Clearinghouse is a centralized online resource for information on SAPs. It is designed to help employers, employees, and the general public identify qualified SAP providers. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) operates the clearinghouse.

The clearinghouse provides various resources, including a list of certified SAP providers, contact information for state licensing boards, and links to substance abuse and mental health resources.

The SAP Clearinghouse is a great resource for anyone in need of substance abuse treatment or prevention services. Keep reading to learn more about what the clearinghouse has to offer.

What is a Substance Abuse Professional? 

A substance abuse professional (SAP Evaluation) is a person who has been trained and certified to provide counseling and recommendations to employees who have violated their workplace’s drug and alcohol policy.

SAPs are responsible for determining if an employee’s use of drugs or alcohol is a safety concern and whether the employee should be referred for treatment. They also make recommendations to employers about an employee’s return to work following treatment.

SAPs must be knowledgeable about services for referrals, return-to-work coordination, Employee Assistance Programs (EAP), and addiction counselling. They must also be able to maintain confidentiality by the law.

To become certified, SAPs must complete training that meets the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements. Once they have completed training, they must pass an examination administered by a DOT-certified consortium or organization.

Who Can Use the Clearinghouse? 

The clearinghouse is designed to be used by employers, employees, and the general public. For example, employers can use the clearinghouse to find qualified SAP providers. Employees can use the clearinghouse to find helpful resources on substance abuse and mental health. And anyone can use the clearinghouse to find contact information for state licensing boards.

What Resources Does the Clearinghouse Offer? 

The clearinghouse offers a variety of resources on substance abuse and mental health. These resources include:

  • A list of certified SAP providers
  • Contact information for state licensing boards
  • Links to resources on substance abuse and mental health

What are some of the benefits of using the SAP Clearinghouse website?

The SAP Clearinghouse offers a variety of resources that can be helpful for both employers and employees. In addition, the website provides a list of certified SAP providers, contact information for state licensing boards, and links to resources on substance abuse and mental health.

Additionally, the clearinghouse can be used to verify the credentials of a potential SAP provider. This can give employers and employees peace of mind knowing they are working with a qualified professional.

What is DOT Return to Duty?

DOT Return to Duty is a service SAP Clearinghouse provides that helps businesses comply with DOT regulations. The service allows businesses to submit driver information to SAP Clearinghouse marietta, which will then be cross-checked against a national database of DOT drivers. If a driver is found to have a DOT violation, they will be notified and allowed to complete a DOT-approved return-to-duty program. Once they have completed the program, they can return to work.

The DOT Return to Duty service is a great way for businesses to ensure that they are complying with DOT regulations. It is also a helpful resource for employees suspended or terminated for violating their workplace’s drug and alcohol policy. SAP Clearinghouse is a great resource for employers, employees, and the general public. The clearinghouse provides a variety of resources on substance abuse and mental health. If you or someone you know needs substance abuse treatment or prevention services, the SAP Clearinghouse can help.


The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP Evaluation Georgia) Clearinghouse is a great resource for anyone needing substance abuse treatment or prevention services. The clearinghouse provides various resources, including a list of certified SAP providers, contact information for state licensing boards, and links to substance abuse and mental health resources. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, check out the clearinghouse today!

SAP Evaluation is a company that provides SAP clearinghouse services. They offer a variety of resources on substance abuse and mental health. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, check out SAP Evaluation today!

For extensive information please check out www.aacsatlanta.com or please call us at 1-800-683-7745.

What is the SAP program for Truck drivers?

A SAP program for truck driver plays a very important part in the safety of the driver as well as the other people moving on the road. A large number of people usually search for SAP Assessment near me and can take the test in a nearby place. To know more about the SAP program for truck driving continue reading.

What is an SAP program?

A substance use professional is referred to as an SAP professionals. These are the individuals in charge of assessing and rehabilitating persons who have broken the law in order to put them back on the road. Of course, it is impossible to overestimate the significance of this position. Decisions made by SAPs will reassign former offenders to dangerous positions behind the wheel. The program is very strict because of this.

Possibility for using SAP program for Truck Driver

Your employee is jeopardizing themselves, their coworkers, and the general public if they are impaired at work by drink or narcotics. If you test positive, you will be immediately relieved of any duties that involve safety. After that, as was already said, the individual must finish an SAP return to duty program. An SAP is an expert in the field of treating illnesses linked to alcohol and other drugs of addiction who has passed the DOT training program, test, and requalification standards.

The SAP will first assess the worker. The SAP then recommends treatment or education depending on the evaluation. Counseling, intensive outpatient therapy, inpatient Alcohol and drug evaluation, or other measures may be used in treatment. After the employee completes the program satisfactorily, the SAP will reevaluate them and propose a return to duty and subsequent drug and/or alcohol test. They won’t even be given a chance to return to their position before it becomes safety-sensitive.

What happens if I don’t pass a DOT testing program?

The business risked incurring expensive fines if it didn’t put the DOT testing procedures in place. Employing a driver who failed to finish the testing or who is inconsistent with the testing schedule can result in steep fines of up to $3,174 per driver. Penalties that reach $15,040 per driver are possible in cases of severe violations. If the FMCSA deems the carrier unfit for operation, some of the businesses may be shut down. The DOT also determines the Compliance, Safety, and Accountability Scores for the fleet (CSA).

Centers of SAP treatment for truck drivers

The DOT only accepts reputable treatment facilities because they have a duty of care to the flying public because the SAP Program is highly professional and requires extensive knowledge.

SRS Lightens the Load for Employers

Employers are obligated to give employees a list of SAPs if they fail a drug or alcohol test. However, maintaining a current list of DOT-accredited SAPs might be very difficult. SAPs who don’t fulfill these qualifications are no longer regarded as qualified by the DOT since they require more education hours and courses. Additionally, if your employee finishes his program with an SAP evaluation who is unqualified, they will have to start over from scratch.

It would be a tremendous strain to constantly verify your SAP list for the most up-to-date qualifications. By working with SRS, you can get rid of this obligation (SAP Referral Services).

For extensive information please check out www.aacsatlanta.com or please call us at 1-800-683-7745. We collaborate with you to expedite the process and find an SAP who can visit you right away. Allow us to help you. We have helped thousands of workers find new jobs.

SAP Evaluation Near me | AACS Atlanta

SAP evaluation near me are at the forefront of any return to duty process. It is required after failing or refusing a DOT drug or alcohol test. If you find yourself in this situation, you will be prohibited from operating commercial vehicles until you can complete your return to duty process with an SAP professional. You are responsible for undergoing an SAP evaluation near me as part of your return to duty process. Keep in mind that you will not be able to move on to the next step in the process without an evaluation. SAP stands for substance abuse professional’s and only substance abuse professionals are permitted to conduct these types of evaluations; hence the name SAP evaluation.

Once you locate an SAP in your area, or often virtually in other areas, you must designate them to become your official SAP provider. This means they will conduct your evaluation and facilitate you through the rest of the return to duty process, which includes treatment and a final drug screen. As far as the evaluation goes, you can expect two components that will need to be completed before your SAP evaluation time is up. The first component is the questionnaire and pre-screening component. You will be asked to fill out a questionnaire that covers family medical and substance abuse history, personal substance abuse history, and other relevant topics. After that, you will move on to the interview component.

This involves your SAP going over the questionnaire with you and asking additional questions to give them a better understanding of your situation. If you are doing this evaluation due to a positive drug or alcohol test, your SAP will ask you questions about the substance for which you tested positive. If you are doing this evaluation due to a refused test, your SAP will want to know how the refusal came about and what happened on that specific day.

Once the interview has been completed, your SAP will wrap things up by coming up with a treatment plan that will need to be completed in full to not only meet the Department of Transportations requirements but also help you with any underlying substance use issues that may not have been apparent before the evaluation. As always, the end goal of an SAP evaluation near me is to create an achievable and effective plan for each client.

For extensive information please check out www.aacsatlanta.com or please call us at 1-800-683-7745.

How Long does a Drug and Alcohol Assessment Take?

A thorough written report summarizing the findings is included in an alcohol and drug evaluation, which also includes a clinical component utilizing established psychosocial assessment tools. This is sometimes referred to as a drug or alcohol assessment or evaluation and a chemical dependence assessment or evaluation. The outcome of the evaluation of alcohol and drug process is a precise diagnostic and recommendations meant to assist people in making decisions about their future course of action. An individual’s chemical dependency is initially diagnosed by the alcohol and drug counsellor, who also makes treatment suggestions to meet specific needs

Drug and alcohol examinations take a close look at a person’s level of substance usage in order to make a diagnosis and treatment suggestions. In order to construct a picture of their history of drug use, these Alcohol and Drug evaluation Marietta consider the kind of substance being used, the dosage, and the frequency with which it is being used. These assessments provide a clearer picture of the conditions and extent of a substance use. It can also direct people in charge to offer the best answer to the issue.

Anyone can overcome their addiction with the use of the data acquired during an Alcohol and Drug evaluation georgia. The greatest way to learn about someone’s difficulty is through an evaluation, which will provide precise, reliable facts. But assessments of this nature are carried out for a variety of reasons.

Drug and alcohol evaluations establish the needs of the intended patient, a severity level, and the required level of care. A crucial first step in getting help for a substance problem can be getting an alcohol and drug.

A screening method used to ascertain a person’s level of alcohol or drug use is an alcohol and drug evaluation. It is frequently utilized as a component of a more thorough evaluation for substance or addiction. A qualified practitioner, such as a counsellor, social worker, or psychologist, may carry out the evaluation. It might also be covered during a doctor’s or nurse’s physical examination.

The alcohol and drug evaluation Marietta often starts with a self-report in which the subject provides information regarding their usage of alcohol and/or drugs. In addition to the person’s thoughts, feelings, and usage-related actions, the inquiries may inquire about the frequency and volume of use. After the self-report, a more in-depth interview could be conducted. The interviewer will inquire about the subject’s prior history of alcohol or drug use as well as any relevant family histories. The person’s present use, as well as any recent changes in patterns of use, will also be discussed

The interviewer will also evaluate the subject’s functioning in the areas of social and occupational relationships, as well as physical and mental health. The evaluation’s objective is to acquire enough data to assess the extent of the subject’s alcohol or drug abuse. This conclusion will aid in directing therapy recommendations.

You can talk to your doctor or another health care professional about having an alcohol and drug evaluation decatur if you have concerns about your own alcohol or drug use or the usage of a loved one. You can also ask about evaluation services by getting in touch with a nearby alcohol or drug rehab facility. You can also ask about evaluation services by getting in touch with a nearby alcohol or drug rehab facility.

For more details on services, and therapeutic activities, visit our website at www.alcoholanddrugevaluations.com. Here, you can find our website or you can call us at 1-800-683-7745 to get in touch with us right away.

DOT Qualified SAP Near you | SAP Evaluation-800-683-7745

There are many factors that make a DOT qualified SAP. Some of these include:

  1. A DOT qualified SAP must have a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field.
  2. A DOT qualified SAP must have completed training in a DOT approved SAP program.
  3. A DOT qualified SAP must have experience working with DOT regulated transportation companies.
  4. A DOT qualified SAP must have knowledge of DOT regulations.
  5. A DOT qualified SAP must have excellent communication skills.
  6. A DOT qualified SAP must have strong problem solving skills.
  7. A DOT qualified SAP must be able to work independently.
  8. A DOT qualified SAP must be able to work well under pressure.
  9. A DOT qualified SAP must be able to multitask.
  10. A DOT qualified SAP must be able to meet deadlines.

An SAP evaluation for substance abuse usually takes place in a professional setting, such as a doctor’s office, and can last for up to an hour. The individual being evaluated will be asked questions about their substance use history, as well as their mental and physical health. The evaluation will also include a urine or blood test to check for the presence of drugs or alcohol.

The DOT (Department of Transportation) demands that all DOT drivers be evaluated for substance abuse before they can be licensed. The evaluation must be conducted by a DOT-certified professional, such as a doctor, counselor, or social worker.

The DOT evaluation consists of a written test, which covers the driver’s knowledge of substance abuse and its consequences, and a clinical evaluation, which assesses the driver’s risk for substance abuse. The clinical evaluation includes an interview and a review of the driver’s medical and employment history. The DOT-certified professional will also administer a urine or blood test to check for the presence of drugs or alcohol.

If the DOT-certified professional finds that the driver is at risk for substance abuse, the driver may be referred for treatment. Treatment may include individual counseling, group counseling, and/or medication. The goal of DOT treatment is to help the driver overcome their substance abuse problem and maintain sobriety.

SAP is the user in the Clearinghouse who is also required to register himself on the clearinghouse. As soon as the driver is found positive he must register on the FMCSA Clearinghouse and contact SAP professional. The list of the qualified DOT SAPs may be provided by your employer so that you can fix your appointment as soon as to complete the return-to-duty process. So, if you are ready to schedule a DOT SAP Evaluation, contact Sapevaluation.org today to arrange a free, no-obligation consultation with us. For a free Quote call: 800-683-7745 | 404-793-6838

Why are Alcohol and Drug evaluations required for court?

Alcohol and drug evaluation is a crucial component of the public health and safety system in the US. The government can make sure that those who may be at risk for harming themselves or others as a result of substance misuse are found and treated by ordering these exams. The criminal justice system benefits greatly from these analyses.

Offenders frequently have to go through alcohol and drug tests as part of their punishment. As a result, the court can decide what is best for the criminal, which may include therapy and rehabilitation. In the United States, a variety of alcohol and drug evaluation Marietta techniques are employed. The most typical kind is a clinical evaluation, which is carried out by a qualified mental health practitioner.

To ascertain whether a person has a mental health issue, a licensed mental health practitioner will conduct a clinical evaluation. A clinical interview, a review of the patient’s medical and mental health history, and psychological tests are typically included in the examination. The goal of the exam is to obtain data that will aid the mental health professional in diagnosing the patient and creating a treatment strategy.

The main source of data for the alcohol and drug evaluation decatur is the clinical interview. The person will be questioned by the mental health professional regarding their symptoms, thoughts, feelings, and habits. The person will also be questioned about their medical and mental health backgrounds. The interviewer will also inquire about the subject’s drug and alcohol use, as well as any mental disease in the subject’s family. The mental health practitioner will be better able to comprehend the patient’s current symptoms and how they have evolved over time by reviewing the patient’s medical and mental health history.

Additionally, the mental health specialist will be able to spot any patterns that can be beneficial in providing a diagnosis. The alcohol and drug evaluation may also include psychological tests. Testing can reveal details about a person’s personality, emotional state, and cognitive ability. Testing is frequently done to rule out conditions that could be the source of a person’s symptoms.

Depending on the ailment being evaluated, a clinical evaluation will have a different exact character, however, there are some common elements that may be anticipated. The patient will first be questioned about their symptoms and medical background. They will then go through a physical examination, which may involve taking their blood pressure and heart rate as well as looking over their entire body. In rare circumstances, psychological testing may also be utilized to learn more about the mental state of the subject. This could entail personality assessments as well as tests of intelligence and memory. A clinical evaluation’s findings might be used to provide a diagnosis or rule out the probability of a certain ailment evaluate whether a person has a mental, emotional, or physical disorder, a clinical evaluation is carried out. The examination may also be used to categories the disorder’s kind and degree, as well as to choose the most appropriate course of treatment. The physician will discuss their findings with the patient and create a treatment plan after the clinical evaluation is over. Medication, counselling, and/or lifestyle modifications may all be part of the treatment strategy.

The mental health professional will diagnose the patient and create a treatment plan following the completion of the clinical evaluation. The individual’s needs will determine the treatment plan, which may also involve medication, counselling, and other treatments.

For more details on services, and therapeutic activities, visit our website at www.alcoholanddrugevaluations.com. Here, you can find our website or you can call us at 1-800-683-7745 to get in touch with us right away.


DUI Evaluation Near Marietta | 30067

DUI Evaluations also drug and alcohol assessments related to a driving under the influence (DUI) charge or arrest. Many states require DUI evaluations after being convicted of an impaired driving offense and before sentencing. The judge will consider the evaluation's outcome during the sentencing process. DUI evaluations are also a prerequisite before entering a diversion or deferred sentencing program and, in many cases, before a suspended license is restored. DUI evaluations can be used in many different ways because it serves the purpose of helping you avoid the recurrence of an offense and help point you in the right direction in managing addiction or dependence on drugs and alcohol. The goal is to get you the proper treatment necessary to avoid the consequences of intoxicated driving going forward.

Those at risk will likely be required to complete additional court-ordered treatment or DUI education before getting their case dismissed, a lesser sentence, or license reinstatement. DUI Evaluation Georgia are conducted by licensed professionals such as Social workers, Counselors, Therapists, Psychologists, or psychiatrists. You will meet with your DUI evaluator in person or via telehealth for about an hour to discuss your medical history, substance use, drinking patterns, and how your drinking habits affect certain aspects of your life. The outcome of your evaluation and risk level will help determine how many hours of DUI education you are required to undergo, as well as what types of substance abuse treatment you must complete.

The results of your DUI evaluation are not used to prove guilt; instead, they help the judge's decision regarding sentencing. A DUI evaluation will make the judge lean more toward sending you to a treatment facility than jail. This allows you to begin working on your recovery, and even though it will take some time and effort, it is the fastest way to end a cycle of addiction so that you can feel safe driving again. Taking the evaluation seriously and following through with the treatment recommendations can protect you from dealing with the harsh penalties that come with future DUIs.

For extensive information please check out www.aacsatlanta.com or please call us at 1-800-683-7745.