
SAP Evaluation for the Department of Transportation

SAP Evaluation for the Department of Transportation

SAP Evaluation for the Department of Transportation

In order to be eligible for returning to a DOT regulated job after a violation has been determined, a SAP evaluation must be performed. The substance abuse professional in the SAP evaluation for the Department of Transportation is responsible for establishing the extent of the infraction and recommending action compliant with regulations of the U.S. DOT. When followed responsibly, guidance from a qualified SAP evaluation for the Department of Transportation enables the opportunity for reentry into a current or future job. An employer of a safety-sensitive function relies on the results from the SAP evaluation to decide on the hiring status of the individual.

It is worth noting that once an evaluation process has begun with a SAP, services must be completed in entirety and failure to do so would result in further violation of the Department of Transportation. The cost of a SAP evaluation is dependent on the employer’s policies. The return-to-duty process is determined by the results of the SAP evaluation, therefore critical to maintain employment and refrain from civil penalties.

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