
Importance of DOT Assessments

Importance of DOT Assessments

DOT Assessments

DOT assessments are recommended by the Department of Transportation for people who have been charged of consuming alcohol and drugs during duty hours. This assessment is very essential for individuals working in transportation industry. Violation of rules and concern for public safety makes this assessment mandatory for employees. A person can return back to work only after successfully completing the DOT assessment and counseling sessions with substance abuse professionals.

The evaluation for drugs and alcohol is crucial for truck drivers, ship captains, train engineers, pilots and so on. When employees related to these occupations want to return-to duty or have done any accident, then they are supposed to have DOT assessments for the employer or court. Report of such evaluation is an important document if you have any case running in the court. It can be helpful in minimizing the duration of sentence.

If you have been accused of reckless driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, then you must get the assessment done from a reliable center. The American Alternative Court Services has a team of expert counselors and substance abuse professionals who ensure that an extensive and personalised plan is designed for every patient.

Right from physiological and psychological tests are conducted by the professionals to evaluate the present condition, behavior pattern and severity of addiction. After this, comprehensive sessions and interviews are conducted for the patients by the counselors. When the person is able to follow the plan and recover from the addiction, he or she gets a green signal to return back to duty.

Whether you are an employer or a person who is willing to undergo DOT assessments, then don’t forget to contact AACS. Just sign up the form and get the procedure done without facing any trouble. Staff and counselors help in the evaluation with a friendly approach. Best possible treatment plan is prescribed to live a healthy and happy life.

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